Exame de Consciência
A path of light to your confession!

How to Confess

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Confession is a sacrament of healing and reconciliation that allows us to receive God's forgiveness and renew our spiritual life. To make a good confession, it is important to follow some guidelines and prepare adequately.

1. Preparation for Confession

Before going to confession, it is essential to conduct a sincere and detailed examination of conscience. Reflect on your sins and ask God for the grace of true repentance.

2. Arriving at the Confessional

As you approach the confessional, maintain a spirit of humility and trust in God's mercy. If necessary, wait your turn in silence and prayer.

3. Starting the Confession

When you enter the confessional, greet the priest and start with the following phrase:

"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. My last confession was (time since last confession)."

4. Confessing Sins

Confess your sins sincerely and with repentance. Be clear and objective, without hiding or justifying your faults. If necessary, ask the priest for help in clarifying doubts.

5. Listening to the Priest's Guidance

The priest may offer spiritual advice and guidance to strengthen your journey in faith. Listen carefully and be willing to follow his recommendations.

6. Praying the Act of Contrition

Before receiving absolution, pray the Act of Contrition to demonstrate your repentance and desire for change.

7. Receiving Absolution

The priest will then pronounce the formula of absolution, granting you God's forgiveness. At the end, respond:


8. Fulfilling the Penance

After confession, fulfill the penance given by the priest as soon as possible, as a form of reparation and spiritual strengthening.

9. Living in a State of Grace

After confession, thank God for the forgiveness received and strive to live according to His will, avoiding the same sins in the future.

Confession is a great gift from God, a sacrament of love and mercy. Do not be afraid to confess and start a new life in the grace of the Lord.