Exame de Consciência
A path of light to your confession!

Act of Contrition

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The Act of Contrition is a fundamental prayer to express our sincere repentance for sins committed and ask God for the grace of true conversion. It should be prayed with humility and trust in divine mercy.

1. What is the Act of Contrition?

The Act of Contrition is a prayer of repentance and a purpose of change. It should be prayed especially before confession, when recognizing our sins, and also at the end of the examination of conscience, to prepare the heart for sacramental forgiveness.

2. Traditional Prayer of the Act of Contrition

"My God, I am sorry from the bottom of my heart for having offended You because You are so good and lovable. I detest all my sins and firmly resolve, with Your grace, to amend my life and never sin again. Lord, have mercy on me. Amen."

3. Act of Contrition After the Examination of Conscience

"My God, profoundly humbled before Your sovereign majesty, I humbly ask Your forgiveness. I detest with all my heart the sins I have committed because they offended Your infinite goodness. Through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, help me to remain firm in the purpose of never offending You again. Grant me the grace to live in holiness. Amen."

4. Act of Contrition After Confession

"Lord my Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, because You are who You are, supremely good and worthy of being loved above all things, I regret, Lord, for having offended You. I firmly resolve, with the help of Your divine grace and through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to amend my life and never offend You again. I hope to obtain the forgiveness of my sins through Your infinite mercy. Amen."

5. How to Pray the Act of Contrition

The Act of Contrition can be prayed daily as a way to ask God for forgiveness and renew our purpose of conversion. When praying it, make a brief reflection on your actions, ask for forgiveness sincerely, and trust in the Lord's mercy.

God's mercy is infinite for those who, with a sincere heart, wish to reconcile with Him. Pray the Act of Contrition with faith and trust in the love of the Father, who always welcomes those who return repentant.