Examination of Conscience
Our apostolate offers a detailed and free examination of conscience to help Christians in their spiritual journey. With your contribution, we can keep the site running and continue evangelizing more people!
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The examination of conscience is a fundamental step before confession. It consists of a sincere reflection on our thoughts, words, actions, and omissions, analyzing how we have lived in light of God's commandments and the teachings of the Church.
1. What is the Examination of Conscience?
It is an internal review done with honesty and humility, recognizing the sins committed. It is a moment of self-knowledge and openness to God's grace, which helps us in the search for conversion.
2. How to do a good Examination of Conscience?
To make this moment fruitful, follow these steps:
- Set aside a time of silence and prayer.
- Place yourself in God's presence and ask for the illumination of the Holy Spirit.
- Reflect on your life since the last confession.
- Examine your conduct in light of the Ten Commandments and the teachings of the Church.
- Sincerely acknowledge your sins and truly repent.
- Make a firm resolution to change and ask God for strength to avoid the same mistakes.
3. Examination of Conscience Questionnaire
To assist in the examination, use a detailed questionnaire, which presents questions that help identify faults and sins, divided into categories:
- Sins against God: Lack of faith, blasphemies, neglect in prayer.
- Sins against others: Lack of charity, judgments, defamation.
- Sins against oneself: Pride, laziness, gluttony, impurity.
- The seven capital sins: Pride, greed, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth.
4. Prayer for a Good Examination of Conscience
"Lord my God, enlighten me so that I may see my sins clearly and recognize them with humility. Give me a repentant heart and a sincere desire for conversion. Amen."
A well-done examination of conscience leads us to a more sincere and fruitful confession, preparing us to receive God's forgiveness with joy.