Detailed Questionnaire
Our apostolate offers a detailed and free examination of conscience to help Christians in their spiritual journey. With your contribution, we can keep the site running and continue evangelizing more people!
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These questionnaires will help you conduct a deep examination of conscience before confession. Choose one of the questionnaires below, carefully read each question, reflect sincerely, and seek true repentance for the sins committed.
For Monthly Confession
- First Commandment
Please select all the questions whose answer is "YES" and, at the end, check the summary.
- Second Commandment
- Third Commandment
- Fourth Commandment
- Fifth Commandment
- Sixth and Ninth Commandments
- Seventh and Tenth Commandments
- Eighth Commandment
- Seven Deadly Sins
Being the source of many sins, they can easily overlap with sins against the Ten Commandments.
Pride is against the first, greed against the seventh. Envy, gluttony, and anger are contrary to the fifth. Sloth is contrary to the first, third, fourth, and fifth commandments.
- Ecclesiastical Fasting
- Duties of State
For Weekly Confession
- Sins Against God
Please select all the questions whose answer is "YES" and, at the end, check the summary.
- Sins Against Others
- Sins Against Oneself
For Children's and Youth Confession
💭 Think about your answer and reflect.
🙏 If you realize you did something wrong, ask God and others for forgiveness.
💖 Strive to improve and be more like Jesus!
- Sins Against God
Please select all the questions whose answer is "YES" and, at the end, check the summary.
- Sins Against Others
- Sins Against Myself
- The Ten Commandments
- The Seven Deadly Sins
- Commandments of the Church
- Duties of My State of Life
If I am a child, student, or friend, reflect:
Summary of the Examination of Conscience
(When presenting yourself to the confessor, say):
“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. I confess to Almighty God, and to you, Father. My last confession was (days, weeks or months ago). My sins are as follows: (declaration of sins).
(no items selected)
(After finishing the confession of sins, one can add):
“Of these and also of all my past and forgotten sins, I repent with all my heart; for all of them I ask forgiveness from God, and from you, Father, absolution.”
(Listen afterwards with respect and attention to the words of the confessor, and at the end the Act of Contrition is prayed).
My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, my Creator and Redeemer, because You are who You are, supremely good and worthy of being loved above all things, and because I love and esteem You, I am sorry, Lord, for having offended You; I am also sorry for having lost Heaven and deserved Hell. But I firmly resolve, with the help of Your divine grace, and through the powerful intercession of Your Most Holy Mother, to amend my life and to never offend You again. I hope to obtain forgiveness for my sins, through Your infinite mercy. Amen.
Prayer for a Deep Examination of Conscience
"Lord, give me clarity to see my faults, courage to acknowledge them, and strength to overcome them. May my examination of conscience be sincere and lead me to a true and transformative confession. Amen."
When concluding this examination, acknowledge the sins committed, ask forgiveness from God, and approach the sacrament of confession with humility and confidence.