Exame de Consciência
A path of light to your confession!


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Our apostolate offers a detailed and free examination of conscience to help Christians in their spiritual journey. With your contribution, we can keep the site running and continue evangelizing more people!

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Prayer is the means by which we communicate with God, asking for His guidance, strength, and mercy. Here are some prayers that can be said before and after confession, as well as in daily life to strengthen your spiritual life.

1. Prayer Before the Examination of Conscience

"Lord, enlighten my mind and my heart so that I may sincerely recognize my sins. Grant me the grace of true repentance and the courage to confess them with humility. Amen."

2. Prayer Before Confession

"My God, help me to make a sincere and complete confession. Grant me the grace of a repentant heart and the willingness to follow Your will. I also ask You to bless the priest who will hear me, so that he may be an instrument of Your mercy. Amen."

3. Act of Contrition

"My God, I repent with all my heart for having offended You, because You are infinitely good and worthy of being loved. With Your grace, I firmly propose never to sin again and to avoid all occasions of sin. Lord, have mercy on me. Amen."

4. Prayer After Confession

"Lord Jesus, I thank You for the gift of forgiveness that I received in the sacrament of confession. Give me the strength to live according to Your will, avoiding the sins I confessed. Grant me the grace to grow in faith, hope, and charity. Amen."

"How sweet You are, Lord, to those who seek You! How great are Your love and kindness! I trust that, through the infinite merits of Your most precious Blood, You have already forgiven my sins. I can count myself among Your children! Oh, happy day of my life! Oh, fortunate moment! Do not allow, Father of mercy, that I forget this ineffable benefit. I firmly propose to avoid sin, so that I may never lose Your grace again; bless, Lord, this purpose of mine and strengthen me so that I may never fall again. O Mary, my Mother, pray for me and assist me. Saints and Angels of Heaven, intercede for me. Amen."

5. Prayer to Avoid Sin

"My God, help me to avoid everything that distances me from You. Strengthen me in the face of temptations and give me wisdom to always choose the path of goodness. I ask You, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, to guide me on my journey of faith. Amen."

6. Prayer to Ask for Strength in Conversion

"Lord, I know I am weak, but I trust in Your grace. Give me strength to persevere in faith and grow in holiness each day. Grant me the light of Your Holy Spirit to always discern the right path. Amen."

Prayer brings us closer to God and strengthens us on the Christian journey. Pray frequently and always trust in the mercy of the Lord.