Our apostolate offers a detailed and free examination of conscience to help Christians in their spiritual journey. With your contribution, we can keep the site running and continue evangelizing more people!
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The Examination of Conscience is a moment of deep reflection that helps the faithful prepare for the sacrament of confession. It consists of a process of self-evaluation of thoughts, words, actions, and omissions, helping to recognize faults and seek true conversion.
Confession is not just an act of asking for forgiveness, but an opportunity for spiritual growth. By sincerely acknowledging sins, it creates room for God's grace to act, strengthening faith and renewing the commitment to an authentic Christian life.
This guide has been prepared to help you adequately prepare for confession, providing a detailed examination of conscience, prayers, and practical guidance so that this moment can be experienced with serenity and confidence in divine mercy.
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)